2010年8月21日 星期六


使徒信經(The Apostles' Creed):

I believe in God the Father, Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth.

And in Jesus Christ, his only begotten Son, our Lord;
Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary;
在本丟‧彼拉多手下受難,Suffered under Pontius Pilate;
was crucified, dead and buried; He descended into hell;
The third day he rose again from the dead;He ascended into heaven,
and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty;
From thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Ghost;
I believe in the holy catholic church: the communion of saints;
The forgiveness of sins;
The resurrection of the body;
And the life everlasting. Amen.

2010年5月22日 星期六

The Resolutions of Jonathan Edwards
By Jonathan Edwards

1. Resolved, That I will do whatsoever I think to be most to the glory of God, and my own good, profit, and pleasure, in the whole of my duration; without any consideration of the time, whether now, or never so many myriads of ages hence. Resolved, to do whatever I think to be my duty, and most for the good and advantage of mankind in general. Resolved, so to do, whatever difficulties I meet with, how many soever, and how great soever.

2. Resolved, To be continually endeavouring to find out some new contrivance and invention to promote the forementioned things.

3. Resolved, If ever I shall fall and grow dull, so as to neglect to keep any part of these Resolutions, to repent of all I can remember, when I come to myself again.

4. Resolved, Never to do any manner of thing, whether in soul or body, less or more, but what tends to the glory of God, nor be, nor suffer it, if I can possibly avoid it.

5. Resolved, Never to lose one moment of time, but to improve it in the most profitable way I possibly can.

6. Resolved, To live with all my might, while I do live.

7. Resolved, Never to do any thing, which I should be afraid to do if it were the last hour of my life.

8. Resolved, To act, in all respects, both speaking and doing, as if nobody had been so vile as I, and as if I had committed the same sins, or had the same infirmities or failings, as others; and that I will let the knowledge of their failings promote nothing but shame in myself, and prove only an occasion of my confessing my own sins and misery to God. Vid. July 30.

9. Resolved, To think much, on all occasions, of my dying, and of the common circumstances which attend death.

10. Resolved, when I feel pain, to think of the pains of martyrdom, and of hell.

11. Resolved, When I think of any theorem in divinity to be solved, immediately to do what I can towards solving it, if circumstances do not hinder. xxi

12. Resolved, If I take delight in it as a gratification of pride, or vanity, or on any such account, immediately to throw it by.

13. Resolved, To be endeavouring to find out fit objects of liberality and charity.

14. Resolved, Never to do any thing out of revenge.

15. Resolved, Never to suffer the least motions of anger towards irrational beings.

16. Resolved, Never to speak evil of any one, so that it shall tend to his dishonour, more or less, upon no account except for some real good.

17. Resolved, That I will live so, as I shall wish I had done when I come to die.

18. Resolved, To live so, at all times, as I think is best in my most devout frames, and when I have the clearest notions of the things of the gospel, and another world.

19. Resolved, Never to do any thing, which I should be afraid to do, if I expected it would not be above an hour before I should hear the last trump.

20. Resolved, To maintain the strictest temperance in eating and drinking.

21. Resolved, Never to do any thing, which if I should see in another, I should count a just occasion to despise him for, or to think any way the more meanly of him.

22. Resolved, To endeavour to obtain for myself as much happiness in the other world as I possibly can, with all the power, might, vigour, and vehemence, yea violence, I am capable of, or can bring myself to exert, in any way that can be thought of.

23. Resolved, Frequently to take some deliberate action, which seems most unlikely to be done, for the glory of God, and trace it back to the original intention, designs, and ends of it; and if I find it not to be for God’s glory, to repute it as a breach of the fourth Resolution.

24. Resolved, Whenever I do any conspicuously evil action, to trace it back, till I come to the original cause; and then, both carefully endeavour to do so no more, and to fight and pray with all my might against the original of it.

25. Resolved, To examine carefully and constantly, what that one thing in me is, which causes me in the least to doubt of the love of God; and so direct all my forces against it.

26. Resolved, To cast away such things as I find do abate my assurance.

27. Resolved, Never wilfully to omit any thing, except the omission be for the glory of God; and frequently to examine my omissions.

28. Resolved, To study the Scriptures so steadily, constantly, and frequently, as that I may find, and plainly perceive, myself to grow in the knowledge of the same.

29. Resolved, Never to count that a prayer, nor to let that pass as a prayer, nor that as a petition of a prayer, which is so made, that I cannot hope that God will answer it; nor that as a confession which I cannot hope God will accept.

30. Resolved, To strive every week to be brought higher in religion, and to a higher exercise of grace, than I was the week before.

31. Resolved, Never to say any thing at all against any body, but when it is perfectly agreeable to the highest degree of christian honour, and of love to mankind, agreeable to the lowest humility, and sense of my own faults and failings, and agreeable to the golden rule; often, when I have said any thing against any one, to bring it to, and try it strictly by, the test of this Resolution.

32. Resolved, To be strictly and firmly faithful to my trust, that that, in Prov. xx. 6. ‘A faithful man, who can find?’ may not be partly fulfilled in me.

33. Resolved, To do always what I can towards making, maintaining, and preserving peace, when it can be done without an overbalancing detriment in other respects. Dec. 26, 1722.

34. Resolved, In narrations, never to speak any thing but the pure and simple verity.

35. Resolved, Whenever I so much question whether I have done my duty, as that my quiet and calm is thereby disturbed, to set it down, and also how the question was resolved. Dec. 18, 1722.

36. Resolved, Never to speak evil of any, except I have some particular good call to it. Dec. 19, 1722.

37. Resolved, To inquire every night, as I am going to bed, wherein I have been negligent,—what sin I have committed,—and wherein I have denied myself;—also, at the end of every week, month, and year. Dec. 22 and 26, 1722.

38. Resolved, Never to utter any thing that is sportive, or matter of laughter, on a Lord’s day. Sabbath evening, Dec. 23, 1722.

39. Resolved, Never to do any thing, of which I so much question the lawfulness, as that I intend, at the same time, to consider and examine afterwards, whether it be lawful or not; unless I as much question the lawfulness of the omission.

40. Resolved, To inquire every night before I go to bed, whether I have acted in the best way I possibly could, with respect to eating and drinking. Jan. 7, 1723.

41. Resolved, to ask myself, at the end of every day, week, month, and year, wherein I could possibly, in any respect, have done better. Jan. 11, 1723.

42. Resolved, Frequently to renew the dedication of myself to God, which was made at my baptism, which I solemnly renewed when I was received into the communion of the church, and which I have solemnly re-made this 12th day of January, 1723.

43. Resolved, Never, henceforward, till I die, to act as if I were any way my own, but entirely and altogether God’s; agreeably to what is to be found in Saturday, Jan. 12th. Jan. 12, 1723.

44. Resolved, That no other end but religion shall have any influence at all on any of my actions; and that no action shall be, in the least circumstance, any otherwise than the religious end will carry it. Jan. 12, 1723.

45. Resolved, Never to allow any pleasure or grief, joy or sorrow, nor any affection at all, nor any degree of affection, nor any circumstance relating to it, but what helps religion. Jan. 12 and 13, 1723.

46. Resolved, Never to allow the least measure of any fretting or uneasiness at my father or mother. Resolved, to suffer no effects of it, so much as in the least alteration of speech, or motion of my eye; and to be especially careful of it with respect to any of our family.

47. Resolved, To endeavour, to my utmost, to deny whatever is not most agreeable to a good and universally sweet and benevolent, quiet, peaceable, contented and easy, compassionate and generous, humble and meek, submissive and obliging, diligent and industrious, charitable and even, patient, moderate, forgiving, and sincere, temper; and to do, at all times, what such a temper would xxii lead me to; and to examine strictly, at the end of every week, whether I have so done. Sabbath morning, May 5, 1723.

48. Resolved, Constantly, with the utmost niceness and diligence, and the strictest scrutiny, to be looking into the state of my soul, that I may know whether I have truly an interest in Christ or not; that when I come to die, I may not have any negligence respecting this to repent of. May 26, 1723.

49. Resolved, That this never shall be, if I can help it.

50. Resolved, That I will act so, as I think I shall judge would have been best, and most prudent, when I come into the future world. July 5, 1723.

51. Resolved, That I will act so, in every respect, as I think I shall wish I had done, if I should at last be damned. July 8, 1723.

52. I frequently hear persons in old age say how they would live, if they were to live their lives over again: Resolved, That I will live just so as I can think I shall wish I had done, supposing I live to old age. July 8, 1723.

53. Resolved, To improve every opportunity, when I am in the best and happiest frame of mind, to cast and venture my soul on the Lord Jesus Christ, to trust and confide in him, and consecrate myself wholly to him; that from this I may have assurance of my safety, knowing that I confide in my Redeemer. July 8, 1723.

54. Resolved, Whenever I hear anything spoken in commendation of any person, if I think it would be praiseworthy in me, that I will endeavour to imitate it. July 8, 1723.

55. Resolved, To endeavour, to my utmost, so to act, as I can think I should do, if I had already seen the happiness of heaven and hell torments. July 8, 1723.

56. Resolved, Never to give over, nor in the least to slacken, my fight with my corruptions, however unsuccessful I may be.

57. Resolved, When I fear misfortunes and adversity, to examine whether I have done my duty, and resolve to do it and let the event be just as Providence orders it. I will, as far as I can, be concerned about nothing but my duty and my sin. June 9, and July 13, 1723.

58. Resolved, Not only to refrain from an air of dislike, fretfulness, and anger in conversation, but to exhibit an air of love, cheerfulness, and benignity. May 27, and July 13, 1723.

59. Resolved, When I am most conscious of provocations to ill nature and anger, that I will strive most to feel and act good-naturedly; yea, at such times, to manifest good nature, though I think that in other respects it would be disadvantageous, and so as would be imprudent at other times. May 12, July 11, and July 13.

60. Resolved, Whenever my feelings begin to appear in the least out of order, when I am conscious of the least uneasiness within, or the least irregularity without, I will then subject myself to the strictest examination. July 4 and 13, 1723.

61. Resolved, That I will not give way to that listlessness which I find unbends and relaxes my mind from being fully and fixedly set on religion, whatever excuse I may have for it—that what my listlessness inclines me to do, is best to be done, &c. May 21, and July 13, 1723.

62. Resolved, Never to do any thing but my duty, and then, according to Eph. vi. 6-8. to do it willingly and cheerfully, as unto the Lord, and not to man: knowing that whatever good thing any man doth, the same shall be receive of the Lord. June 25, and July 13, 1723.

63. On the supposition, that there never was to be but one individual in the world, at any one time, who was properly a complete Christian, in all respects of a right stamp, having Christianity always shining in its true lustre, and appearing excellent and lovely, from whatever part and under whatever character viewed: Resolved, To act just as I would do, if I strove with all my might to be that one, who should live in my time. Jan. 14, and July 13, 1723.

64. Resolved, When I find those ”groanings which cannot be uttered,“ of which the apostle speaks, and those ”breathings of soul for the longing it hath,” of which the psalmist speaks, Psalm cxix. 20. that I will promote them to the utmost of my power; and that I will not be weary of earnestly endeavouring to vent my desires, nor of the repetitions of such earnestness. July 23, and Aug. 10, 1723.

65. Resolved, Very much to exercise myself in this, all my life long, viz. with the greatest openness of which I am capable, to declare my ways to God, and lay open my soul to him, all my sins, temptations, difficulties, sorrows, fears, hopes, desires, and every thing, and every circumstance, according to Dr. Manton’s Sermon on the 119th Psalm,. July 26, and Aug. 10, 1723.

66. Resolved, That I will endeavour always to keep a benign aspect, and air of acting and speaking, in all places, and in all companies, except it should so happen that duty requires otherwise.

67. Resolved, After afflictions, to inquire, what I am the better for them; what good I have got by them; and, what I might have got by them.

68. Resolved, To confess frankly to myself, all that which I find in myself, either infirmity or sin; and, if it be what concerns religion, also to confess the whole case to God, and implore needed help. July 23, and August 10, 1723.

69. Resolved, Always to do that, which I shall wish I had done when I see others do it. Aug. 11, 1723.

70. Let there be something of benevolence in all that I speak. Aug. 17, 1723.

© Desiring God

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Please include the following statement on any distributed copy: By John Piper. © Desiring God. Website: desiringGod.org

2010年1月19日 星期二



The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits. - Albert Einstein

「權力本惡」。魔鬼總在細節裡伺機而動,唯賴正當法律程序制衡。- 德國文化歷史學家Jacob Burckhardt

人就是目的,並非工具。- 洪英花

“What luck for rulers that men do not think.” - Adolf Hitler

"You can change the name of a rose, but you can't do anything about the smell." ~ Andy Griffith

瑪莉蓮曼森 (Marilyn Manson,他是位搖滾歌手和撒但教徒) 不是個有聖經價值觀的人,但是在觀察一次頒獎典禮後,他一針見血地說:「這些隆乳的青少年女生,以及歌唱暴力和厭惡女人的饒舌歌手,他們竟然會花整個晚上來感謝耶穌基督,這真是非常諷刺的事情!這些人自稱是『神的朋友』,但是很明顯地,他們是藉著非基督徒的手段來賺上百萬美金。」(瑪莉蓮曼森,Kerrang音樂雜誌,11/27/1999)

撒但教主義就是在於敬拜你自己,因為你決定自己的良善和邪惡。」(Marilyn Manson, The Long hard Road out of Hell, Regan Books, 1998, p. 164)

「我們感覺到所有的宗教都在走向撒但教,我們即將進入一個新的撒但教時代。證據已在我們的周圍,你要做的就是睜開眼睛看。我們認為這些人應該直接跳進撒但教,直接稱他們自己為敬拜撒但的人、邪惡的門徒、或撒但教徒。因為多年來,他們其實已經在做撒但教徒該做的事。當然,人不想要被別人貼上聽起來不雅的標籤 (所以他們不直接稱自己是撒但教徒)。這就是為什麼多年來,有許多人其實都是在做撒但教的事情,但是卻假裝是個好基督徒、或其他宗教的人。他們會憑本能來追求撒但教徒所追求的事情,他們向來都是如此。- 撒但教教會的創辦者安多.那維(Anton LaVey)

異教雜誌《Gnosis》也發出共鳴說:「在撒但教中的教導中,若有任何很恐怖的部分,那就是:大部分人、在大部分的時間都是按照撒但教的原則來過生活,而他們通常連自己都不會承認。」(Gnosis, No. 50., Winter 1999, p. 29)

── 這是四十八歲以後的事了。自己如水面的一片落葉,向前流去,流去。忽而停滯,又忽而團團轉。有時激起了浪花,為浪花所掩蓋,而又平靜了,還是那樣的流去。為什麼會這樣?不但落葉不明白,落葉那樣的自己也不太明白。只覺得 ── 有些是當時發覺,有些是事後發現,自己的一切,都在無限複雜的因緣中推移。- 印順法師《妙雲集、平凡的一生》

2010年1月9日 星期六


序 言

































  ㈠ 凡受刑事控告者,在未經獲得辯護上所需的一切保證的公開審判而依法證實有罪以前,有權被視為無罪。

  ㈡ 任何人的任何行為或不行為,在其發生時依國家法或國際法均不搆成刑事罪者,不得被判為犯有刑事罪。刑罰不得重于犯罪時適用的法律規定。



  ㈠ 人人在各國境內有權自由遷徙和居住。

  ㈡ 人人有權離開任何國家,包括其本國在內,並有權返回他的國家。


  ㈠ 人人有權在其他國家尋求和享受庇護以避免迫害。

  ㈡ 在真正由于非政治性的罪行或違背聯合國的宗旨和原則的行為而被起訴的情況下,不得援用此種權利。


  ㈠ 人人有權享有國籍。

  ㈡ 任何人的國籍不得任意剝奪,亦不得否認其改變國籍的權利。


  ㈠ 成年男女,不受種族、國籍或宗教的任何限制有權婚嫁和成立家庭。他們在婚姻方面,在結婚期間和在解除婚約時,應有平等的權利。

  ㈡ 只有經男女雙方的自由和完全的同意,才能締婚。

  ㈢ 家庭是天然的和基本的社會單元,並應受社會和國家的保護。


  ㈠ 人人都有單獨的財產所有權以及同他人合有的所有權。

  ㈡ 任何人的財產不得任意剝奪。






  ㈠ 人人有權享有和平集會和結社的自由。

  ㈡ 任何人不得迫使隸屬于某一團體。


  ㈠ 人人有直接或通過自由選擇的代表參與治理本國的權利。

  ㈡ 人人有平等機會參加本國公務的權利。

  ㈢ 人民的意志是政府權力的基礎;這一意志應以定期的和真正的選舉予以表現,而選舉應依據普遍和平等的投票權,並以不記名投票或相當的自由投票程序進行。




  ㈠ 人人有權工作、自由選擇職業、享受公正和合適的工作條件並享受免于失業的保障。

  ㈡ 人人有同工同酬的權利,不受任何歧視。

  ㈢ 每一個工作的人,有權享受公正和合適的報酬,保證使他本人和家屬有一個符合人的生活條件,必要時並輔以其他方式的社會保障。

  ㈣ 人人有為維護其利益而組織和參加工會的權利。




  ㈠ 人人有權享受為維持他本人和家屬的健康和福利所需的生活水准,包括食物、衣着、住房、醫療和必要的社會服務;在遭到失業、疾病、殘廢、守寡、衰老或在其他不能控制的情況下喪失謀生能力時,有權享受保障。

  ㈡ 母親和兒童有權享受特別照顧和協助。一切兒童,無論婚生或非婚生,都應享受同樣的社會保護。


  ㈠ 人人都有受教育的權利,教育應當免費,至少在初級和基本階段應如此。初級教育應屬義務性質。技朮和職業教育應普遍設立。高等教育應根據成績而對一切人平等開放。

  ㈡ 教育的目的在于充分發展人的個性並加強對人權和基本自由的尊重。教育應促進各國、各種族或各宗教集團間的了解、容忍和友誼,並應促進聯合國維護和平的各項活動。

  ㈢ 父母對其子女所應受的教育的種類,有優先選擇的權利。

  ㈠ 人人有權自由參加社會的文化生活,享受藝朮,並分享科學進步及其產生的福利。

  ㈡ 人人對由于他所創作的任何科學、文學或美朮作品而產生的精神的和物質的利益,有享受保護的權利。




  ㈠ 人人對社會負有義務,因為只有在社會中他的個性才可能得到自由和充分的發展。

  ㈡ 人人在行使他的權利和自由時,只受法律所確定的限制,確定此種限制的唯一目的在于保證對旁人的權利和自由給予應有的承認和尊重,並在一個民主的社會中適應道德、公共秩序和普遍福利的正當需要。

  ㈢ 這些權利和自由的行使,無論在任何情形下均不得違背聯合國的宗旨和原則。



聯合國新聞部聯合國網頁事務科制作 聯合國©2006

2010年1月7日 星期四


Juliet:"What's in a name? That which we call a rose. By any other name would smell as sweet."
(Romeo and Juliet II, ii, 1-2)

「人生就是一團慾望。當慾望得不到滿足便痛苦,當慾望得到滿足便無聊,人生就像鐘擺一樣在痛苦與無聊之間搖擺。」- 亞瑟·叔本華(Arthur Schopenhauer,1788年-1860年)

「音樂,是任何地方都可以理解的真正的普遍性語言。」 - 叔本華

「意志獨立於時間、空間,所有理性、知識都從屬於它。」 - 叔本華

「人們對於死亡最大的恐懼在於他們無法想象這樣一個事實:我死了,但這個世界卻仍然運行著。」 - 叔本華

「希望愛好他哲學的人,能不偏不倚地,獨立自主地理解他的哲學。」- 叔本華遺言

「人們不會對比自己幸福的人產生同感,而只會對比我們不幸的人感同身受。」- 盧梭






獻給 曾是小孩的雷恩,威爾托。

Antoine de Saint Exupéry (1900~1944) [小王子Le Petit Prince]



神曲Divina Commedia」Dante Alighieri (AC1308)


狄更斯的「苦海孤雛Oliver Twist」第一章,童年時代

〈馬太福音 第七章:3節〉「為什麼看見你弟兄眼中有刺,卻不想自己眼中有梁木呢﹖ 」


托爾斯泰Leo Tolstoy在1898所寫下的「復活」

"很多年後,在槍決場的隊伍前,Aureliano Buendia上校想起很久以前的下午,就是他父親帶他去認識冰塊的那一天。...那時世界還是新的,有時,某些事物,還是必須用指的。"

1982諾貝爾獎Marquez的「百年孤寂Cien años de soledad」

..即使是岸上的机器壞了一個螺絲釘,只修兩小時,荷西也不肯在工地等,不怕麻煩的脫掉潛水衣就往家裡跑,家裡的妻子不在,他就大街小巷的去找,一家一家店舖問過去:“看見Echo沒有?看見Echo沒有?” - 三毛(夢里花落知多少)

Education without values, as useful as it is, seems rather to make man a more clever devil. - CS Lewis

Eros will have naked bodies; Friendship naked personalities. - CS Lewis

有時常聽見形容人像野獸般地殘忍,其實這對野獸很不公平,也很委屈。野獸從不像人那樣殘忍,那樣巧妙地、藝術化地殘忍。老虎祇是啃咬,只會做這些事。牠絕不會想到去用釘子把人們的耳朵整夜地釘住,即使牠能夠這樣做的話。 - Fyodor Dostoevsky《卡拉馬佐夫兄弟》

"Plato is my friend— Aristotle is my friend— but my greatest friend is truth." - Isaac Newton(1664)

‘Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?’
‘That depends a good deal on where you want to get to,’said the Cat.
‘I don’t much care where—’ said Alice.
‘Then it doesn’t matter which way you go,’ said the Cat.
[Alice's Adventures in Wonderland]


「 我們注定要失去我們愛的人,否則如何知道他們對我們有多麼重要?」《班傑明的奇幻旅程》

「心所擁有的理由,理智不知道。」─法國哲人:帕斯葛(Blaise Pascal)

「世界上最寬闊的是海洋, 比海洋更寬闊的是天空, 比天空更寬闊的是人的胸懷。」- 雨果

就在這兒我寫下了溪邊的景色,而在那邊,黃鸝,鵪鶉,夜鶯,杜鵑則在樹梢上和我一起寫作。- Beethoven



 "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to fulfill it" -  George Santayana (1905) Reason in Common Sense, volume 1 of The Life of Reason


2010年1月5日 星期二

Quotes from Greatest Preachers, 傳道者的名言

Christian holiness is above all the heathen virtue, of a more bright and pure nature, more serene, calm, peaceful, and delightsome. What a sweet calmness, what a calm ecstasy, does it bring to the soul! Of what a meek & humble nature is true holiness; how peaceful & quiet. How it changes the soul, and makes it more pure, more bright, and more excellent than other beings. ~ Jonathan Edwards

The Lord delivered us on the last day. Not 2nd or 3rd last day. You know what that means? He did that with such purpose, not to just to test our faith. But to show us that He doesn't need 365 days, He can do everything that has to be done at the momemts time.
《God's Extraordinary Provision for HeartCry - Paul Washer》

It is impossible to worship without sacrifice, the giving of our best.
It is impossible to worship God with a wrong motive.
It is impossible to worship God without instruction in the truth.
It is impossible to worship God without obedience.
Ravi Zacharias



帕爾克T.H.L Parker著,王怡方.林鴻信譯,《加爾文傳 John Calvin-A Biography》,台北:禮記,2001。

敵人的稱讚是最真實的。宗教改革家加爾文,在日內瓦逝世,當時的教皇是庇烏士四世(Pius IV, 在位1559-1565)。他當然不會哀悼,卻真誠的說:“那持異端者〔加爾文〕的能力,在於金錢對他全無吸引力。如果我有些這樣的僕人,我的疆域必然會擴展,從這海到那海。”

Isn't sad when love becomes common? I hate that. I just wanna end my life loving my wife like I suppose to be. But when love becomes so common, it's so wrong.《Clothed With Power From On High - Paul Washer》


Most people are live is because air is free.《 Jesus Christ is Everything - Paul Washer 》



Knowledge may become good or ill according to the use which is made of it.《Knowledge. Worship. Gratitude.- C. H. SPURGEON》

Anguish means extreme pain and distress. The emotion so stirred that it becames painfull. Acute deeply felt inner pain because of conditions about you, in you, or around you. Anguish. Deep, pain. Deep sorrow. Agony of God's heart.《 A Call to Anguish - David Wilkerson 》

To read Holy Write without faith in Christ is to walk in darkness.- Martin Luther

Husband, listsen to me. Your wife lives in a horrible world, images of woman are put on the TV and magazines that there are not realistic. And sometimes your wife compare herself to those things and she is not equal. The world tell her she must be super model, to be able to have romance. Do you see how horrible that is? 《The Purpose of Marriage - Paul Washer》

I divide each commandment into four parts, thereby fashioning a garland of four strands... I think of each commandment as, first, instruction, which is really what it's intended to be & consider what the Lord God demands of me so earnestly. Second, I turn it into a thanksgiving; third, a confession; & fourth, a prayer. - Martin Luther

"To grasp these things intellectually is one thing, for them to become realities in our life is another." - Paul Washer

"I have nothing else to rely upon but the fact that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, lived, died, was buried, rose again, went to heaven, and still lives and pleads for sinners at the right hand of God." - C. Spurgeon

Don't judge me, you don't know me really. Ok, let me know you in secret.《The Greatest Words in All of Scripture - Paul Washer 》

有人得罪我,我就像一隻綿羊;若有人得罪神,我就像一隻猛獅。─ 加爾文

「當我在聖經裡讀到新約時代的教會時,他們並沒有華麗的教堂,他們並沒有很多錢。他們並沒有很多組織,他們也沒有上電視跟人要錢。但我告訴你他們做了什麼:他們把世界翻轉了過來。 - 雷歐納牧師(Rev. Leonard Ravenhill)

"We do not segment our lives, giving some time to God, some to our business or schooling, while keeping parts to ourselves. The idea is to live all of our lives in the presence of God, under the authority of God, and for the honor and glory of God. That is what the Christian life is all about." ~R.C. Sproul

Leonard Ravenhill: There should be a birth chamber in every church; (it) should be a room for travail.

Thus there can be no doubt that the world was not created in time but with time. An event in time happens after one time and before another, after the past and before the future. But at the time of creation there could have been no past, because there was nothing created to provide the change and movement which is the condition of time. ~Augustine, The City of God [413-426], Book XI, chapter 6~

A.W. Tozer: "Christianity is so entangled with the world that millions never guess how radically they have missed the New Testament pattern. Compromise is everywhere."
Leonard Ravenhill: Do you really want an intimacy with God where He shows you the world as He sees it?


'Some would have Christ only as a Savior-but not as a Lord. They desire Him only as a Priest to offer a sacrifice for their sins-but not as a Prophet to instruct them, nor as a King to rule over them. So that it is but part of Christ, that they would receive. "Yet to all who received Him... He gave the right to become children of God" John 1:12 A whole Christ must be received--with the whole heart.' - J.R. Miller

A.W. Tozer "In an effort to get the work of the Lord done we often lose contact with the Lord of the work and quite literally wear our people out as well."

E.M. Bounds: We cannot talk to God strongly when we have not lived for God strongly. The closet cannot be made holy to God when the life has not been holy to God.
Don't you understand? People are not numbers. They have different colors of eyes, and they have different color of hair, they are so different in they heart, with different problems, and they cry for different reasons. And they are people! - Paul Washer《Weeping for the souls who are deceived, The Heart of the Gospel. 》

Edwards - Your wickedness makes you as it were heavy as lead, and to tend downwards with great weight towards hell; and if God should let you go, you would immediately sink and swiftly descend and plunge into the bottomless gulf, and your own care and prudence, and all your righteousness, would have no more influence to uphold you, than a spider's web would have to stop a falling rock.

All that we call human history - money, poverty, ambition, war, prostitution, classes, empires, slavery is the long terrible story of man trying to find something other than God which will make him happy. - C.S. Lewis

There is a global war on between Christ and Satan. All men are participants in this war. They all wear uniforms; they are all for or against God. - Cornelius Van Til

Heaven offers nothing that a mercenary soul can desire. - C.S.Lewis

From the moment a creature becomes aware of God as God and of itself as self, the terrible alternative of choosing God or self for the centre is opened to it. - CS Lewis.

Leonard Ravenhill: What are you going to do when you get to eternity, if you can't stick in an hour with God down here? In God's name, what are you going to do in a million year s in God's presence? Expect some reports from earth about football or something?

「有些樞機主教並不信耶穌,有些主教跟惡魔掛鉤」。 - 天主教廷梵蒂岡首席大法師阿摩斯神父(Father Gabriele Amorth)

魔鬼正住在梵蒂岡,後果大家有目共睹; - 阿摩斯神父

Love is something more stern and splendid than mere kindness. - C.S. Lewis

Cornelius Van Til : We dare not claim that the Christian story is “in accordance with logic” and “in accordance with fact” in terms of the vision of the self-authenticating man. We must rather call him to repentance. We must insist on his unconditional surrender to the self-authenticating Christ.

Cornelius Van Til : Non-Christian investigators of nature are as successful as they are because they work with stolen capital.

其實政府所能作的往往是皮毛工 夫,人心若不改變,政府的功能只是暫時的約束和援助而已。 - 林慈信《美國:一個敵視基督教的國家》

"We fear men so much, because we fear God so little. One fear cures another. When man's terror scares you, turn your thoughts to the wrath of God." —William Gurnall

A.W. Tozer "I want the presence of God Himself, or I don't want anything at all to do with religion, I want all that God has or I don't want any."

The way to pray is use few words but give to them a great and deep meaning or intention.The fewer the words,the better the prayer,the more the words,the poorer the prayer.Few words and much meaning is Christian;many words and little meanig is heathenish.- Martin Luther.

We must do something about the cross, and one of two things only we can do--flee it or die upon it. - A.W. Tozer

History is a story written by the finger of God. - C. S. Lewis

Joy is the serious business of Heaven. - C. S. Lewis

朗讀或頌唱一首真正的聖詩,就是在一個偉大而又有恩賜的心靈親密靈交的時刻,與他一同敬拜。- 陶恕

「音樂是神給人的一份禮物,..因此要學習從音樂看見你的創造主,並且藉著音樂來讚美祂」。- 奧古斯丁

“即使你不在意領受講道,美妙的音樂,也把言詞帶進你的心裏。”- 奧古斯丁

「上帝的話語與音樂是最密切的結合。」- 馬丁路德

「神呼召人去敬拜祂,神創造人時的那一個目的就是永遠的敬拜和享受祂,人被帶到神、信仰和救恩面對是為了去敬拜、尊崇祂。可以說神徹頭徹尾的心意,就是要呼召我們敬拜祂並享受祂。- 陶恕「敬拜的真義」

「敬拜的人出了問題,用什麼程序都是錯的,對神有對的認識才有對的人,而對的人才有對的敬拜。」- 陶恕(A.W.Tozer)

Bruce - Therefore, examine your affections, examine your minds, and see whereto ye are addicted; suspect ever your affections, whatever enticement they have to cloak thyself with; suspect ever the motion of them, for the devil is in them; for, when they appear to be most quiet, yea, wholly rooted out and extinguished, ⋯⋯the stumps of them stick in the soul, and a very slight object or short idleset will enkindle them.

Cornelius Van Til Self-knowledge on the part of man presupposes for its foundation knowledge of God as God has revealed himself to man in his own constitution, in his environment and in his Word.

Leonard Ravenhill: We say, "Let the Spirit have His way in our church." We don"t!! We mimeograph what He has to do last Wednesday in the church office!

Christ alone is the Light and the Life of all men,not our reason.- Martin Luther

All trust not based on the Word of God is vain.- Martin Luther

"There are basically only two kinds of religion in the world: those based on human achievement and those based on divine accomplishment. One says you can earn your way to heaven; the other says you must trust in Jesus Christ alone." - John MacArthur

Spurgeon - "Let this be to you the mark of true gospel preaching - where Christ is everything, and the creature is nothing" Courtesy of Brittany.

Cornelius Van Til: There is purpose within the universe because the triune God has a purpose for the universe. Every purpose within the universe must, in the last analysis, be referred to God. Without this reference to God, no purpose within the universe has meaning.

"Let this be to you the mark of true gospel preaching - where Christ is everything, and the creature is nothing; where it is salvation all of grace, through the work of the Holy Spirit applying to the soul the precious blood of Jesus." - C.H. Spurgeon

Cornelius Van Til The very being of any created “fact” whether man, “nature,” or “history,” is exhausted in its revelatory character. There can be no other facts than such as speak clearly of God and therefore of God’s claims upon man. Every fact speaks of God and speaks of him in the imperative as well as in the declarative voice.

Leonard Ravenhill: God doesn't answer prayer. He answers desperate prayer! Your prayer life denotes how much you depend on your own ability, and how much you really believe God. The more self- confidence you have, the less you pray. The less self-confidence you have, the more you have to pray.

E.M. Bounds The goal of prayer is the ear of God, a goal that can only be reached by patient and continued and continuous waiting upon Him, pouring out our heart to Him and permitting Him to speak to us. Only by so doing can we expect to know Him, and as we come to know Him better we shall spend more time in His presence and find ⋯⋯that presence a constant and ever-increasing delight.

A.W. Tozer "If there's anything necessary to your eternal happiness but God, you're not the kind of Christian that you ought to be. For only God is the true rest.
I have my own private opinion that there is no such thing as preaching Christ and him crucified, unless we preach what nowadays is called Calvinism. It is a nickname to call it Calvinism; Calvinism is the gospel, and nothing else. I do not believe we can preach the gospel, if we do not preach justification by faith, without works; nor unless we preach the sovereignty of God in his dispensation of grace. -C.H.Spurgeon

Leonard Ravenhill: Can you remember the last time you didn't go to bed because people were dying without Christ?

Leonard Ravenhill: Do you mean what you sing?
Many things, such as loving, going to sleep, or behaving unaffectedly, are done worst when we try hardest to do them. - C. S. Lewis

Cornelius Van Til : Orthodox Christians, conscious of the wiles of Satan, pray, above all else, both for something of the true humility of their Redeemer as they view the great “mystery of godliness” and for something of the compassion for men which their Savior manifested when he shed his blood for them.

Leonard Ravenhill: I don't ask people if they're saved anymore; I look them straight in the eye and say, "Does Christ live inside you?"

「美國是一個敵視基督教的國家,但是裡面有很多好基督徒」- 林慈信牧師

Leonard Ravenhill: The devil's substitute for joy is entertainment.

Let God have your life; He can do more with it than you can. D.L. Moody

You shut out and forget other people. Then you shut out and forget yourself. That is what is meant by entering into thy closet. You can enter into that closet when you are walking alone in a busy street, or going from one room to another in a house. You enter into that closet when you are in communion with God and nobody knows what you are doing. - Martyn Lloyd-Jones(1899 ~ 1981)

Prayer is undoubtedly the ultimate test, because a man can speak to others with greater ease than he can speak to God. - Llyod Jones

...the real danger for a man who leads a congregation in a public act of prayer is that he may be addressing the congregation rather than God. But when we are alone in the presence of God that is no longer possible. And have we not all known what it is to find that, somehow, we have less to say to God when we are alone than when we are in the presence of others? It should not be so; but it often is." - Llyod Jones

"There are things that are quite harmless in themselves and which are perfectly legitimate. Yet if you find that you are spending much of your time with them, and that you desire the things of God less, you must avoid them." - Llyod Jones

"If Jesus had preached the same message that ministers preach today, He would never have been crucified." - Leonard Ravenhill (1907-1994)

"De persona et duabus naturis", Naturæ rationalis individua substantia (an individual substance of a rational nature﹞) - 教父Boethius(480-525)對「位格」的標準定義,後人還加上有情感、意志、自由。

德蕾莎修女Mother Teresa在1985年對蔣經國說:「台灣的社會,物質富裕,精神卻是貧窮的。」

「因此,可以很清楚地看到的是,既沒有將來也沒有過去。本來不可以說有三種時間,過去、現在和將來,也許在本來的意義上可以說,有三種時間,過去事物的現在,現在事物的現在,將來事物的現在。因為這三者都存在於心靈中,我在別處看不到。過去事物的現在是記憶,現在事物的現在是注意,將來事物的現在是期待。」- 奧古斯丁《懺悔錄》(Aurelius Augustinus 354 ~ 430)

「既然過去已經不在,將來尚未到來,則過去和將來如何存在呢?現在如果永遠是現在,便沒有時間,而是永恆。現在之所以是時間,是因為它走向過去;那麼,我們怎樣說現在存在呢?現在所以在的原因是即將不在;因此,除非時間走向不存在,否則,我便不能正確地說,時間不存在。」- 奧古斯丁《懺悔錄》

「現在是絲毫沒有長度的。」- 奧古斯丁《懺悔錄》

將來尚未存在,怎樣減少消耗呢?過去已經不存在,怎樣會增加呢?這是由於在心靈中有三個階段:期待、注意和記憶。所期待的東西,通過注意,進入記憶。誰否認將來尚未存在?但對將來的期待已經存在於心。誰否認過去已經不存在?但過去的記憶還存在於心中。誰否認現在沒有長度,只是倏忽即逝的點滴?但注意能持續下去,將來通過注意走向過去。」- 奧古斯丁《懺悔錄》

Next to the Word of God, the noble art of music is the greatest treasure in the world. - Martin Luther

一位神,怎能同時是慈愛又公義的呢?- 馬丁·路德(Martin Luther,1483~1546)

「我把基督傳授給你們,是很純全、簡單,又沒修改的」- 馬丁·路德臨終前對他的學生說

一、努力。希臘原文「agonizomai」,有受苦、掙扎的意思。 二、窄的。希臘原文「thlibo」,有受患難的意思。 三、小的。希臘原文「stenos」,有嘆息的意思。- Paul Washer

  • 我有一個夢,夢想這國家要高舉並履行其信條的真正涵義:「我們信守這些不言自明的真理:人人生而平等」。
  • 我有一個夢,我夢想有朝一日,在喬治亞的紅山上,昔日奴隸的兒子和昔日奴隸主的兒子能夠同坐一處,共敘兄弟情誼。
  • 我有一個夢,有朝一日,我的四個孩子將生活在一個不以膚色而是以品行來評判一個人優劣的國度裡。我今天就有這樣一個夢想。
《我有一個夢》演講稿 - 馬丁·路德·金(Martin Luther King, Jr.,1929 ~ 1968)美國民權運動黑人領袖,1964年度諾貝爾和平獎。

Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of real education.(智慧加上品格才是教育真正的目標) - 馬丁·路德·金

最終,我們記得的不是我們敵人的話語,而是我們朋友的沉默。 - 馬丁·路德·金

「我信,是因為我要知。」- 奧古斯丁

Apostle Paul said it would be better to depart and be with Christ for that is far better. He proved it by departing from the worthless things and pursuits in this life and being with Christ in this life. If we won't even do that now in our lives here, how can we say we would rather depart and be with Christ in Glory?- Paul Washer

The best antidote for anxiety is frequent meditation upon God's goodness, power and sufficiency. When the saint can confidently realize "The Lord is My Shepherd," he must draw the conclusion, "I shall not want! - A.W.Pink

Thus, when our disposition has been changed, the preaching of the Law begins also to change its effect in us, such that instead of terrifying us, it consoles us; instead of showing us how near our damnation is, it serves us as a guide to teach us the good works in which God has purposed we shall walk finally, instead of being an unpleasant and unbearable yoke, it becomes pleasant and light to us. - Theodore Beza (disciple of John Calvin) (1519 ~ 1605)

If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world. - CS Lewis

Can a mortal ask questions which God finds unanswerable? Quite easily, I should think. All nonsense questions are unanswerable. - CS Lewis

Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point. - CS Lewis

「一個人的身量,就在他的禱告生活裡,他跪在 神面前的樣子,正是他的本相。時候將到,人心將會被顯露出來,有許多大人物會變得很渺小,而那些我們以為渺小的人,會變成屬靈的巨人。」- 慕安得烈(Andrew Murray)

It is your duty to accept of Christ, as He is offered in the Gospel, to repent of your sins, and to be holy in all manner of conversation; these things are commanded you of God; and His command, not your ability, is the measure of your duty. Moreover, these calls and exhortations are the means that God is please⋯⋯d to make use of, for converting His elect, and working grace in their hearts - Thomas Boston (1676-1732)

Aim at heaven and you will get earth thrown in. Aim at earth and you get neither. - C.S. Leiws.

我是跌落在黑暗中摸索的人。沒想到在黑暗中找到了拉鐘的繩索,一拉就把鐘敲響了,而驚醒了鎮上的人。- 卡爾·巴特Karl Barth(1886~1968)

在巴特對費爾巴哈的欣賞當中,並不是以狹義的「有神」或「無神」來評判無神論者,而是以他們所呈現對上帝與對人理解的深度來判準。由此觀之,一個表面上的無神論者並不見得比一個表面上的基督徒離上帝更遠。- 林鴻信(巴特──認識「有人性的上帝」的神學家)

Edwards - God does not choose men, because they are excellent, but he makes them excellent, and because he has chosen them. It is not because God considers them as holy that he chooses them, but he chooses them that they might be holy, Eph. 1:4, 5, According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the worl⋯⋯d, that we should be holy, and without blame before him in love.

It is not sin, but God's grace showing a man and ever reminding him what a sinner he was that will keep him truly humble. - Andrew Murray

讓我跟你講關於功利主義的宗教,以及現代的速食基督教。你必須問自己:「你是在尋求神?還是在利用神?」-派瑞.雷漢德牧師(Paris Reidhead)《人本主義與今日的基督教》

The fact is, the Law was not given to justify us (for if this were so, Jesus Christ would have died in vain, as St. Paul says; Gal 2:21; 3:18-21), but, on the contrary, to condemn us, and to show us the hell which is opened wide to swallow us, to annihilate and totally abase our pride, in making the multitude of⋯⋯ our sins pass before our eyes and showing us the wrath of God which is revealed from Heaven. - Beza

「天下沒有中立的,每一方吋地方、每一秒鐘內,不是神爭取所有權就是撒旦。」-C.S. Lewis

"If I am not merciful there is only one explanation; I have never understood the grace and the mercy of God; I am outside Christ; I am yet in my sins, and I am unforgiven." Llyod Jones

A great many people know plenty of Scripture truth--but do not live it out. Yet the real test of knowing Scripture--is obedience. We really know only so much truth--as we get into our experience and conduct. The only part of the Bible we have really learned--is what we have learned to live. - J.R. Miller

「俄利根的作品猶如繁花盛放的一片綠茵。我看見美麗的鮮花,就會摘下來;帶刺的,就會避開,像避開蜜蜂的螫刺一樣。」- 狄奧菲魯斯(Theophilus )教長[公元5世紀]



「靈魂的傳遞,包括罪的傳遞。」- 特土良

「所有(三個:父、子和聖靈)都是屬於一位,因為在本質上是一;儘管這計劃的奧秘仍然要謹慎保護著,但這個計劃把一擴散為三,按照秩序有三個位格──父、子和聖靈。然而,這三並不是在於形態,而是在於地位;不是在於本質,而是在於形式;不是在於能力,而是在於面向。但是,這三同屬一個本質,一個形態與一個能力」。- 特土良

The devil is a better theologian than any of us and is a devil still. - A.W. Tozer

God creates out of nothing. Therefore, until a man is nothing, God can make nothing out of him. - Martin Luther

Leonard Ravenhill: C'mon what really excites you? (What do you do on) Sunday afternoon? (Do you) watch a bunch of dumb guys kick a ball around? When do you give Jesus two hours of your time adoring and magnifying Him?

你最怕失去甚麼?但那些事物或人是屬於誰的?- Charles Standly.

Luther - It is also essentially necessary and wholesome for Christians to know: That God foreknows nothing by contingency, but that He foresees, purposes, and does all things according to His immutable, eternal, and infallible will. By this thunderbolt, "Free-will" is thrown prostrate, and utterly dashed to pieces.

"cheap grace is the preaching of forgiveness without requiring repentance, baptism without church discipline. Communion without confession. Cheap grace is grace without discipleship, grace without the cross, grace without Jesus Christ." - The Cost of Discipleship, Dietrich Bonhoeffer.

上帝給我一個要傳的福音,跟傳福音用的馬,我卻把馬弄死了。(R.M. McCheyne)

一個傳道人的有用與否,完全在於他是否有聖潔的生活,因為講道不過是一兩個鐘頭的事,但是一個人的生活卻時時在發聲講道。(R.M. McCheyne)

在我的心靈靠近別人以前,先靠近神,先見祂的面。(R.M. McCheyne)


2010年1月4日 星期一

Quotes about God, 人對神的看法

「這最美麗太陽、行星、並彗星的系統,只能從一位有謀略、聰明和能力的主權發出。」-牛頓 (Sir Issac Newton, The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy, Book III, Andrew Motte, tran. (London: H.K. Symond, 1803), pp. 310-314

「既然宇宙有這樣美好的協調,我隨著自己有限的人類智力,能認出有神。然而有人卻認為沒有神。但使我非常忿怒的是,他們亂引用我來支持這樣的意見。」* - 愛因斯坦(Albert Einstein)*from Max Jammer, Einstein and Religion: Physics and Theology (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1999)

「當一個人滲入自然的奧祕,他對神的尊重就越大。」- 愛因斯坦*from Denis Brian, Einstein: A Life (New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1996), p. 119.

「一點點科學使人疏遠神,但是很多科學將他們帶回到神面前。 - 路易士‧巴斯德(Louis Pasteur)

- 笛卡兒(René Descartes,1596 ~ 1650)

自由不是想做什麼,就做什麼;自由是教你不想做什麼,就可以不做什麼。- 康德(Kant,1724~1804)
